

Publications related to the RDC

Literature database

The literature database of the Research Data Centres of the Federation and the Federal States enables the search for publications that are based on official microdata. In addition, it lists publications regarding the general and/or methodical enhancement of official microdata. After entering selection criteria into the search form of the literature database, the main bibliographic information is shown for all publications that meet the entered search criteria. After the selection of a publication, additional information like the used statistic and accompanying keywords are shown. If the paper is available free of charge on the internet, the appropriate link is provided.

Using the search form, the database can be used to select by various criteria. You can, for example, search for bibliographic information, for statistics or for keywords. Unfortunately, the literature database is only available in German. You can, however, use English keywords to find English publications.

The literature database is extended continuously. We look forward to your e-mail to: , if you

  • want to add your own publications which are based on official microdata with the bibliographic information
  • have remarks, advice or questions regarding the development of our literature database



Dealing with scientific copyright

The RDC allocate a high importance to the strict preservation of scientific copyright when executing data uses. They keep the insights that are gained during the supervision of research projects confidential towards third parties.


RDC working papers

The Research Data Centres of the Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Offices of the Federal States offer the possibility to publish research results based on official microdata as RDC working papers. To be submitted as RDC working papers, the publications have to fulfil certain formal criteria that are summarised in the guideline for RDC working papers.


Already published RDC working papers are available for free download.