Statistical Portal
The Research Data Centres offer the opportunity to generate your own results based on selected datasets. Next to that, the Statistical Offices of the Federation and the Federal States provide a wide range of additional service offers that you can use to retrieve already prepared or self-composed results.
The conjoint Statistical Portal of the Statistical Offices of the Federation and the Federal States provides an overview of those offers (available only in German). There, you can retrieve the most important results from different statistics. It also provides an overview of the different service offers of the Statistical Offices:
- Databases with data from almost all statistical areas
- Maps with graphically prepared results of regional statistics
- Publications on specific topics or cross-section publications
- The Statistical Library as the publications archive of the Statistical Offices of the Federation and the Federal States
The offers that are linked at the Statistical Portal are usually available for free and are, in contrast to the strict RDC terms of use, usually not subject to access limitations. If you are interested in single results that are not included in the Statistical Portal, you can contact the Statistical Offices information services and ask for the possibilities for the provision of table results.